National Lending Centre - vertaling naar Engels
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National Lending Centre - vertaling naar Engels

National Wetlands Centre; WWT National Wetlands Centre
  • A [[coscoroba swan]] at the centre

Moneylending; Loans; Lending; Moneylenders; Money-lender; Money-lenders; Commercial Loan; Money-Lending; Bank loan; Loan (bank); Loan Amount; Car loans; Motorcycle loan; Loan account; Motorcycle Loan; Loaned; Types Of Loans; Money lending; Money-lending; Lends; Lended; Financing car; Bank lending; Demand loan; Direct loan; Private lender; Call loan; Loan Application; Loan application; Concessional funding; Government backed loan; Money lender; Moneylender; Subsidized loan; Subsidised loan; Bank financing; Concessionary loan; Loan period; Commercial loan; Money lenders; Commercial loans; Concessional loan
(n.) = préstamo
Ex: While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
* automated lending = préstamo automatizado
* automated lending system = sistema automatizado de préstamo
* book lending = préstamo de libros
* British Library Lending Division (BLLD) = División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD)
* e-lending [electronic lending] = préstamo electrónico
* home lending = préstamo a domicilio
* home lending service = servicio de préstamo a domicilio
* inter-lending = préstamo interbibliotecario
* interlibrary lending = préstamo interbibliotecario
* international lending = préstamo internacional
* lending and borrowing = préstamo
* lending collection = sección de préstamo
* lending librarian = bibliotecario de préstamo
* lending library = biblioteca de préstamo
* lending rate = tasa de préstamo, tasa de préstamo
* lending right = derecho de préstamo
* lending service = servicio de préstamo
* lending stock = sección de préstamo
* lending system = sistema de préstamo
* National Lending Centre = Centro Nacional de Préstamos
* National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL) = Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL)
* public lending right (PLR) = derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR)
National Lending Centre      
= Centro Nacional de Préstamos
Ex: The French National Lending Centre is part the Bibliotheque Nationale, and works closely with its parent institution to meet the requests received.
national team         
Women's national team; WNT (Women's National Team); Selección; National team; Women's National Team; National team (sports); Association football national team; Association football national teams
(n.) = equipo nacional
Ex: He was both the coach of a national team that never lost a match and a club that never won a title.


Call Center
Lugar de una empresa donde se concentran las comunicaciones telefónicas de clientes. Es utilizado como Centro de atención telefónica de clientes y acciones de Telemarketing, entre otras cosas. En ellos se atienden peticiones de información realizadas por el usuario, quejas, etc. Un call center dispone de Tecnología para automatizar los procesos, y tiene capacidad para soportar un gran volumen de llamadas simultáneamente, atendiendo, manteniendo el registro y redireccionando esas llamadas cuando es necesario


WWT Llanelli Wetlands Centre

WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre at Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales is one of ten wetland nature reserves in the UK managed by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, a nature conservation charity. The visitor centre has accessible toilets, a coffee shop and retail area. During school holidays, there are nature-based activities and events.